Take a left at the rainbow, and a right at the ponies…

Kristen had just returned from fashion week, I was struggling out from beneath the all consuming-chaos of my studio- We barely time to catch our breath before we were packing up our gypsy trailer and heading out into the country, out into the vast and shimmering green, past quaint Amish folk, windmills, and mysteriously-scented mushroom farms, until we climbed a winding road into the wild, rambling farmland known as Sproutwood.  Just when we feared we were lost, some helpful fellow with bells on is trousers and twigs in his hair guy stepped forth and pointed the way:  “Ok, you take a left at the rainbow, and a right at the ponies. Go all the way back until you reach the ham.”  We knew we had arrived.

And that is where we staked our tent, right next to the smoked ham, with the valley behind us and a procession of the most wonderiferous creatures before us.    Thank you for having us, Sproutwood!  Thank you faery folk for making us feel so welcome!     Here are some of my favorite photos from the weekend.  Enjoy!  And if you have any of your own May Day photos to share we would love to see them.

Published in: on May 9, 2010 at 9:14 pm  Leave a Comment  

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